Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Science of Monavie


Enjoying the variety of health benefits contained in nature's superfruits has never been easier.

Designed for easy absorption in the body, just 2–4 ounces of MonaVie per day provides you with the phytonutrients and antioxidants found in many of the world's most nutritious fruits—including açai.

Açai contains concentrated levels of anthocyanins—a powerful family of antioxidants that assists in neutralizing the harmful effects free radicals can have on your body. Through an exclusive freeze-drying process, MonaVie is able to capture the vital nutrients found in this delicate fruit. MonaVie's freeze-dried açai powder boasts an ORAC score (a measure of antioxidant power) higher than any other fruit or vegetable tested to date, on a gram-for-gram basis.

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